AP: Ya Dasha?
D: Kenapa sich, orang tua itu kerjanya nyuruh anaknyaaaaa mulu?
AP: Ya iyyalaaa, masak anak nyuruh orang tua?
D: Hmm... Tapi Dasha rasa cuma satu yang anak bisa nyuruh orang tua.
......pas nyuruh bayar uang sekolah...
D: Amie, what do you call when worm wants to become butterfly [sambil megang buku science]
AU: Hmmm...let see... starts with an "M"?
D: Hey.. I bet you don't know....[senyum menang]
AU: Well...could it be metamorphose?...
D: Hey! You cheated! Did you see my book before?
[meanwhile Aqila is watching and busy with Ka' Dasha's pencil sharpener]
1 comment:
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