Wednesday, December 5, 2001

Bucik's hands are the first to bath you :0

Dasha.. do you know that Bucik taught me how to bath you.. As a very experienced doctor, he bathed tens of babies during his internship. But most of all.. Bucik did it with a LOT of love.. I remember that after bath, then Neni will come and put the eucalyptus oil and baby powder on you.. Then we all will take turn to kiss you :)

Remember darling, perhaps it is hard, but use our top imagination... think about Bucik's hands and how he took care of you with TONS of love...

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

It's a GIRL!!

Well, Dasha was born on November 23, 2001 - at around 12.30. With the help of Prof. Yusuf Hanafiah... and accompanied by Abach during the delivery.

Was I nervous? Yes, kind of.. but it was more excitement that nervousness. You know, Dasha, when Amie and Abach found out that Amie was pregnant with you, we were like.. " WOW!.. " but then we started to think about your life ahead, right at the next minute... that's how we care for you!

All we hope is for you to become sholeha girl in your life.. you know, even if you have the most precious things on earth, the best position, or everything that you dream for... still that your believe to Islam and Allah must come first... then the love of your family. The bond among us will never stop..

We love you, Dasha! Amie & Abach (written by Amie)